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DSGE讨论班(第42期):本期主题: 货币联盟中的劳动力流动

发布时间:2023-05-20    点击数:

时间 主讲人

1. 分享论文: Labor Mobility in a Monetary Union (Hauser, Daniela, and Martin Seneca 2022)

2. 分享人: 王佳欣(一竞技中国经济与管理研究院,2020级硕士生)

3. 时间:20230521日(周日),下午14:00-15:30

4. 地点: 学术会堂712

5. 主持人:王忏(金融学院),赵军柱(一竞技中国经济与管理研究院)

6. 论文摘要:

Internal migration flows are endogenously driven by relative labor market performance in a New Keynesian DSGE model of a monetary union calibrated to U.S. data. When labor markets are competitive, a strict focus on stabilizing unionwide inflation remains close to optimal. With search and matching frictions in regional labor markets, labor mobility across state borders introduces additional trade-offs for optimal monetary policy since workers do not internalize the full effects of their individual migration decisions. But when monetary policy is suboptimal, a mobile labor force helps to close inefficiency gaps in regional labor markets following region-specific shocks. Putting some weight on labor market outcomes in a simple instrument rule enhances welfare more when labor is mobile.

7. 活动对象:一竞技本科生、研究生

8. 人数规模:30

9. 主办单位:一竞技、金融学院联合主办


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