学术沙龙| 应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年春季学期第12期) 1研讨论文Social Media and Mental Health (AER 2022)2主讲人周天浩 中经管2019级本科生3论文简介We provide quasi-experimental estimates of the impact of social media on mental health by leveraging a unique natural experiment: the staggered introduction of Facebook across US colleges. Our analysis couples data on student mental health around the years of Facebook's expansion with a generalized differ...
16 2023-05
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第72期) 1研讨论文The Origin of the State: Land Productivity or Appropriability?2主讲人胡天霖(中经管2021级硕士生)3时间5月13日18:30-21:304线下地址学术会堂7125点评老师王忏、明洋6活动对象一竞技、金融学院学生7论文简介 The conventional theory about the origin of the state is that the adoption of farming increased land productivity, which led to the production of food surplus. This surplus was a p...
12 2023-05
学术沙龙| 应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年春季学期第11期) 1研讨论文Born to Lead? The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Abilities2主讲人欧子晴 高宇晗 (2021级本科生)3论文简介We study the effect of birth order on personality traits among men using population data on enlistment records and occupations for Sweden. We find that earlier born men are more emotionally stable, persistent, socially outgoing, willing to assume responsibility, and able to ta...
09 2023-05
讲座信息|CHLR “应用微观经济学研讨会”系列讲座 1.主题Multi-generational Educational Mobility in China in the Twentieth Century2.主讲人曹佳3.摘要Two essential strategies to understand the mechanisms of intergenerational mobility are to compare mobility across countries and across time. However, for multi-generational mobility, estimates for developing countries are mostly missing, and trend studies are rare. This paper uses education to meas...
07 2023-05
学术沙龙 | 应用微观理论与实证讨论班 Learning by Talking 第1期 论文题目Why Medieval China Turned Inward: Commerce, Bureaucracy, and Fallen of Utilitarianism.为何中国转向内在:商业、官僚制度与功利主义的失败栾笑扬,香港大学经管学院翟润卓,牛津大学基布尔学院活动信息时间:2023年5月7日(星期日) 15:00至17:00地点:中央财经大学学院南路校区主教310主讲人:栾笑扬主持人:钟岳霖主办单位:一竞技应用微观理论与实证讨论班内容提要Ideological conservatism has long bee...
06 2023-05
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第71期) 1研讨论文A Theory of Rational Addiction论文作者及相关信息:Gary S. Becker and Kevin M. Murphy, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 4 (Aug., 1988), pp. 675-7002主讲人战其忻(2020级博士生)3时间5月6日18:30-21:304线下地址学术会堂7125点评老师王忏、明洋6活动对象一竞技、金融学院学生7上周回顾我们详细讨论了“理性成瘾模型”,在最优化问题的基础上,考察二次效用的情形,给出了消费与消费资本的封...
06 2023-05
学术沙龙| 应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年春季学期第10期) 1研讨论文1消失的附近,涌现的远端——“反向嵌入”视角下网购对不同社会资本的影响2主讲人任弈遥 钟岳霖(2020级本科生)3论文简介“附近的消失”概念的提出让许多人产生了共鸣,对学界产生了重要的影响,但如何衡量附近及其消失还是一个尚未被涉足的领域。本文使用CFPS2016年个人问卷中的对陌生人信任、对邻里的信任、邻里关系、互助和对小区的情感五个变量衡量远端和附近的社会资本,并使用互联网商业购物频率作为解释变量,...
05 2023-05
科研成果 | 我院博士生马金秋在健康经济学国际顶刊Journal of Health Economics发表论文 近日,一竞技中国经济与管理研究院博士生马金秋(师从刘宏教授)与中国人民大学劳动人事学院刘宏教授、赵丽秋副教授合作撰写的论文“Public Long-Term Care Insurance and Consumption of Elderly Households: Evidence from China”,发表于健康经济学国际顶刊Journal of Health Economics。01.摘要随着全球人口老龄化的加剧,老年人的长期护理问题成为重大的社会风险。世界主要发达国家先后推行长期护理保险制度应对长...
04 2023-05
学术沙龙| 应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年春季学期第9期) 1研讨论文Valuing primary schools in urban China2主讲人童妍 李一凡 (中经管2021级本科生)3点评老师戴田甜 姜神怡 明洋4论文简介This paper study the effect of school quality on housing prices in urban China. Our objective is to provide an estimate of the school-quality premium based on the best available data. To account for unobserved neighborhood characteristics, we adopt the boundary-discontinui...
25 2023-04
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第70期) 1.研讨论文:A Theory of Rational Addiction2.论文作者:Gary S. Becker and Kevin M. Murphy, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 4 (Aug., 1988), pp. 675-7003.主讲人战其忻(2020级博士生)4.时间4月22日18:30-21:305.地点线下:学术会堂7126.点评老师王忏、明洋7.活动对象一竞技、金融学院学生8.上周回顾我们讨论了“理性成瘾模型”,给出了个体最优化问题,其中个体可以通过消费c来实现“消费资本”S的积...
21 2023-04