学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第6期) 1.报告论文:Local Effects Of Large New Apartment Buildings In Low-incom Areas2.主讲人:凌彬燕 吴昱莹 (中经管2022级本科生)3.论文摘要:We study the local effects of new market-rate housing in lowincome areas using microdata on large apartment buildings, rents, and migration. New buildings decrease rents in nearby units by about 6% relative to units slightly farther away or near sites developed ...
24 2023-10
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第6期) 报告论文: Local Effects Of Large New Apartment Buildings In Low-incom Areas主讲人:凌彬燕 吴昱莹 (中经管2022级本科生)论文摘要:We study the local effects of new market-rate housing in lowincome areas using microdata on large apartment buildings, rents, and migration. New buildings decrease rents in nearby units by about 6% relative to units slightly farther away or near sites developed later...
23 2023-10
一竞技举办第二期“学术午餐会” 10月16日,一竞技第二期“学术午餐会”在学术会堂712会议室如期举行。中国金融发展研究院戚书源老师担任主讲嘉宾,并作了题为“Limit-Hitting Exciting Effects: Modeling Jump Dependencies in Stock Markets Adhering to Daily Price-Limit Rules”的学术报告。一竞技副院长兼中国经济与管理研究院副院长汪雄剑,中国金融发展研究院副院长赵阳等12名一竞技教师参加了此次“学术午餐会”。“学术午餐会”是...
20 2023-10
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第5期) 学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第5期) 报告论文:Special Economic Zones and Human Capital Investment: 30 Years of Evidence from China 主讲人:王博宇 (中经管2023级硕士生) 论文摘要:By exploiting the large quantity and rich variety of special economic zones (SEZs) in China, this study investigates how such zones affect human capital investment. Results show that SEZs significa...
17 2023-10
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第79期) 1. 研讨论文The Race between Man and Machine: Implications of Technology for Growth, Factor Shares, and Employment2. 主讲人朱景明(中经管2022级硕士生)3. 上期回顾我们将模型从静态拓展至动态,求解了各部门的优化问题,定义了均衡和平衡增长路径,并且讨论了参数ρ和n的取值对平衡增长路径的影响。4.本期预告 我们将讨论具有正增长率的四种平衡增长路径,分别是:完全自动化、新自动化技术立刻被使用、新自动化技术...
13 2023-10
一竞技举办第一期“学术午餐会” 10月9日,一竞技第一期“学术午餐会”在学术会堂712会议室如期举行。中国经济与管理研究院尹鹏辉老师担任主讲嘉宾,并作了题为“Attention, expectation updating, and subjective models of the macroeconomy”的学术报告。一竞技党委常务副书记李汉军,常务副院长袁淳,中国经济与管理研究院院长张定胜,学院副院长兼中国经济与管理研究院副院长汪雄剑等17名一竞技教师参加了此次“学术午餐会”。“学术午...
13 2023-10
学术沙龙|DSGE讨论班(第44期):不可分偏好,弗里希劳动供给和政府支出的消费乘数,财政政策之谜的一种解释 分享论文Nonseparable Preferences, Frisch Labor Supply, and the Consumption Multiplier of Government Spending: One Solution to a Fiscal Policy Puzzle (FLORIN O. BILBIIE 2011)分享人沈杰(中国经济与管理研究院,2022级硕士生)论文摘要This paper proposes a theoretical explanation of the positive consumption multipliers of government spending often found in the data. The explanation requires two ingre...
11 2023-10
讲座预告|Applied Microeconomics Seminar Series(10月12日) 人力资本与劳动经济研究中心China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market ResearchApplied Microeconomics Seminar SeriesFall 2023讲座题目:本科毕业生专业—工作匹配与工资溢价——基于Shift-share工具变量的估计报告人:杨素红内容摘要:当前我国本科毕业生专业—工作不匹配现象较为普遍,这不利于实现高质量就业,而就业质量又是高等教育结构调整的主要依据之一,深入剖析不同类型高校和专业毕业生就业匹配对工资收入...
10 2023-10
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第4期) 1.报告论文:From equality to polarization: Changes in urban China’s gender earnings gap from 1988 to 20162.主讲人:熊芷琦,王丹枫,夏雨涵 中经管2022级本科生3.论文摘要:This paper studies the evolution of urban China’s gender earnings gap from 1988 to 2016. We first document that an upward trend in gender inequality started to reverse after 2007 at the median and in the upper part of the earn...
10 2023-10
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2023年秋季学期第3期) 1.报告论文 The Rise and Fall of Local Elections in China(Martinez-Bravo, Monica, Gerard Padró i Miquel, Nancy Qian, and Yang Yao, American Economic Review,2022 ) 2.主讲人 杨云帆 中经管2021级硕士生 3.论文摘要 We posit that autocrats introduce local elections when their bureaucratic capacity is low. Local elections exploit citizens’ informational advantage in keeping local officials accountab...
26 2023-09