学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2024年春季学期第1期) 报告论文:The Health Effects of Educational Content主讲人:胡天霖 中经管2021级硕士生论文摘要:This paper examines the health effects of the biology curriculum reform in junior high schools in China during the 1990s, specifically its impact on smoking behavior, by exploiting staggered changes across provinces in educational content related to healthy knowledge. Our results reveal that individual...
05 2024-03
全新板块!学术沙龙:微观理论讨论班(第1期)! 本期主题Aggregation of Information in Simple Market Mechanisms: Large Markets 主讲人吕嘉琪(中经管2022级硕士生) 内容简介We extensively investigate large Cournot markets characterized by demand uncertainty and asymmetric information, aiming to elucidate the conditions under which information aggregation occurs. We provide a comprehensive taxonomy and welfare analysis regarding the value of info...
01 2024-03
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第93期):熊彼特增长理论下的最优通胀率 研讨论文The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Koki Oikawa and Kozo Ueda. 2018)主讲人孙敏娴(中经管2021级博士生)论文简介To analyze the relationship between inflation and economic growth, we construct an endogenous growth model with creative destruction, incorporating sticky prices due to menu costs. Price changes reduce the reward for innovation a...
29 2024-02
一竞技成功举办《金融科技:数字金融、大数据分析与机器学习应用》系列讲座 2024年2月20-23日,一竞技成功举办为期四天的《金融科技:数字金融、大数据分析与机器学习应用》在线系列讲座。一竞技党委常务副书记李汉军,常务副院长袁淳,党委副书记林艺茹,副院长汪雄剑,中国经济与管理研究院副院长金菁、裘骏峰,以及来自我校一竞技、金融学院、管理科学与工程学院,北师大、中山大学和中南大学等院校的200余名师生参加了此次在线系列讲座。讲座由中国金融发展研究院副院...
25 2024-02
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第92期):人口统计与实际利率:检查机制 研讨论文Demographics and real interest rates: Inspecting the mechanism (European Economic Review. Carvalho, Ferrero and Nechio. 2016)主讲人朱景明(中经管2022级硕士生)上期回顾Last time, we considered a model with social security. In principle, we may have expected that if the government provides transfers after retirement, individuals would have less enthusiasm to save during employment, and th...
24 2024-01
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第91期):人口统计与实际利率: 检查机制 研讨论文Demographics and real interest rates: Inspecting the mechanism (European Economic Review. Carvalho, Ferrero and Nechio. 2016) 主讲人朱景明(中经管2022级硕士生) 上期回顾Advances in artificiWe calibrate a tractable life-cycle model to capture salient features of the demographic transition in developed economies, and find that its overall effect is a reduction of the equilibrium interest ...
17 2024-01
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第90期):熊彼特增长理论下的最优通胀率 研讨论文The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Koki Oikawa and Kozo Ueda. 2018)主讲人孙敏娴(中经管2021级博士生)上期回顾Last time, we discussed several methods to introduce inflation (as well as the real effects of money) into growth models. And we studied the model setup, formalizing the Schumpeterian growth model with nominal rigidity and state-...
09 2024-01
讲座预告 | 打破异构代理模型的维度诅咒: 基于深度学习的概率方法 理悦CEMA•知与行系列研讨会2024年第一讲将于1月8日(周一)中午12:00-13:30在712会议室举行,由香港中文大学经济学系助理教授黄吉报告 “Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in Heterogeneous-Agent Models: A Deep Learning-Based Probabilistic Approach”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。01题目Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in Heterogeneous-Agent Models: A Deep Learning-Based Probabilistic Approach02摘要Dynami...
06 2024-01
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第89期):熊彼特增长下的最优通货膨胀率 研讨论文The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Koki Oikawa and Kozo Ueda. 2018)主讲人孙敏娴(中经管2021级博士生)论文简介To analyze the relationship between inflation and economic growth, we construct an endogenous growth model with creative destruction, incorporating sticky prices due to menu costs. Price changes reduce the reward for innovation a...
03 2024-01
一竞技举办第八期“学术午餐会” 12月11日,一竞技 “学术午餐会”在学术会堂712会议室如期举行。中国经济与管理研究院2020级博士研究生高崧耀担任主讲嘉宾,并作了题为“企业杠杆率分化、金融市场摩擦与结构性宏观政策”的学术报告。一竞技副院长兼中国经济与管理研究院副院长汪雄剑等5名教师、北京银行博士后王建华以及一竞技多名博士生参加了此次“学术午餐会”。本期“学术午餐会”上,高崧耀同学分享了自己的研究。针对2008年以来我国国...
29 2023-12