讲座预告 | 由内而外的行动主义: 来自世界各地强制劳动力政策采纳情况的证据 讲座嘉宾:李东旭时间:2024年3月20日,周三,10:00-11:30地点:学术会堂702讲座论文题目:Activism from the Inside Out: Evidence from Mandatory Workforce Policy Adoptions around the World摘要:We investigate how firms balance between labor costs and employees’ social preferences. Exploiting a comprehensive data of freight shipment records, we show that U.S. firms increase import from the supplier c...
19 2024-03
学术沙龙‖DSGE讨论班(第55期):新凯恩斯主义模型:异质性个体与最优货币政策 1. 分享论文: Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)2. 分享人: 李佳鑫(金融学院2021级硕士生)3. 时间:2024年3月21日(周四),晚上19:00-22:004. 地点: 学术会堂7125. 主持人:王忏(金融学院),赵军柱(一竞技中国经济与管理研究院)6. 论文摘要:A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneo...
19 2024-03
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第95期):熊彼特增长理论下的最优通胀率 1.研讨论文:The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Koki Oikawa and Kozo Ueda. 2018)2.主讲人孙敏娴(中经管2021级博士生)3.上期回顾We went through the proofs of lemma 2-3 and proposition 1-3. Additionally, we introduced the concept of the firm distribution function, incorporating the heterogeneous pricing distribution. Furthermore, we deduced three d...
16 2024-03
学术沙龙|微观理论讨论班(第3期):Censorship as Optimal Persuasion 1.研讨论文:Censorship as Optimal Persuasion (Theoretical Economics. Anton Kolotilin, Timofiy Mylovanov and Andriy Zapechelnyuk. 2022) 2.主讲人:姜渭(北京大学2021级博士生) 3.论文简介 We consider a Bayesian persuasion problem where a sender’s utility depends only on the expected state. We show that upper censorship that pools the states above a cutoff and reveals the states below the cutoff i...
16 2024-03
学术沙龙|DSGE讨论班(第54期):新凯恩斯主义模型:异质性个体与最优货币政策 1.分享论文Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED) 2.分享人李佳鑫(金融学院2021级硕士生) 3.论文摘要A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneous households use government-provided liquidity (“money”) to insure idiosyncratic risk. In our tractable sticky-price model this changes the centra...
13 2024-03
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2024年春季学期第2期) 1.报告论文The motherhood penalty in China: Magnitudes, trends, and the role of grandparenting (Journal of Comparative Economics)2.主讲人鲁静萱(中经管2021级本科生)3.论文摘要This paper estimates the labor market impacts of parenthood in China. We find that becoming a mother has negative impacts on women’s labor outcomes. But the impacts appear to recover sooner than what has been found in othe...
12 2024-03
讲座预告| Exchange Rate Pass-through and Monopsony Power 讲座嘉宾Sushanta Mallick 时间2024年3月14日,周四,10:00-11:30 地点学术会堂604 讲座题目Exchange Rate Pass-through and Monopsony Power in a Large Emerging Economy 摘要The exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) literature has not considered the labour market effects of exchange rate changes. Using a product-level data set from India, we find significant but incomplete exchange rate pass-through to expo...
10 2024-03
学术沙龙|微观理论讨论班(第2期):An Introduction to Bayesian Persuasion 本期主题An Introduction to Bayesian Persuasion主讲人姜渭(北京大学2021级博士生)内容简介We review the persuasion game in which the sender can establish a rule for information disclosure, and we explore the belief-based approach pioneered by Kamenica and Gentzkow (2011). In any persuasion game, the convex hull of the sender's belief-based value graph can geometrically characterize the value of o...
09 2024-03
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第94期) 研讨论文The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth (Journal of Monetary Economics. Oikawa and Ueda. 2018)主讲人孙敏娴(中经管2021级博士生)上期回顾We set up a Schumpeterian growth model with nominal rigidity and state-dependent pricing by introducing the menu cost. Then we solve the value function under three different states (inflation, deflation and zero nominal growth). Additional...
08 2024-03
学术沙龙|DSGE讨论班(第53期):新货币主义基本模型的定量分析 分享论文The Quantitative Analytics of the Basic Neomonetarist Model (Kimball,1995 JMCB) 主讲人田阳(中经管2022级硕士生) 论文摘要This paper constructs a dynamic macroeconomic model with less-than-perfect price flexibility which has a real side consistent with Real Business Cycle Theory, augmented by investment adjustment costs, increasing returns to scale, and a new, flexible formalization of...
06 2024-03