学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第99期):经济周期中的房价、借贷约束与货币政策 研讨论文House Prices, Borrowing Constraints, and Monetary Policy in the Business Cycle (AER. Iacoviello. 2005)主讲人孙宁(金融学院2023级博士生)论文摘要I develop and estimate a monetary business cycle model with nominal loans and collateral constraints tied to housing values. Demand shocks move housing and nominal prices in the same direction, and are amplified and propagated over time. The fin...
27 2024-04
学术沙龙|DSGE讨论班(第58期):了解工资灵活性带来的收益:汇率关系 分享论文UNDERSTANDING THE GAINS FROM WAGE FLEXIBILITY: THE EXCHANGE RATE CONNECTION主讲人沈杰(中经管2022级硕士生)论文摘要We study the gains from increased wage flexibility using a small open economy model with staggered price and wage setting. Two results stand out: (i) the effectiveness of labor cost reductions as a means to stimulate employment is much smaller in a currency union, (ii) an i...
24 2024-04
一竞技举办第九期“学术午餐会” 4月19日,一竞技第九期“学术午餐会”在学术会堂712会议室如期举行。中国经济与管理研究院明洋老师担任主讲嘉宾,并作了题为“国家所有权与企业研发绩效:能力还是目标”的学术报告。一竞技副院长汪雄剑等9名教师以及多名博士生参加了此次“学术午餐会”。本期“学术午餐会”上,明洋老师分享了自己的研究。现有理论表明,不同所有制的企业在研发活动(R&D)上的绩效可能存在一定的差异,且这种差异既可能源于企业...
24 2024-04
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2024年春季学期第7期) 报告论文Do Financial Concerns Make Workers Less Productive?主讲人张肆祐 易嘉璐(中经管2022级本科生)论文摘要We test whether increasing cash-on-hand raises the productivity of poor workers. Our motivation is psychological. Concerns about money can create mental burdens such as worry, stress, or sadness. These in turn could interfere with the ability to work effectively. We empirically test for t...
23 2024-04
讲座预告|When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High? 2024年第三讲将于4月25日(周四)中午12:00-13:30在学术会堂712会议室举行,由厦门大学助理教授冯翔宇报告 “When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High?”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。01题目When Interest Rates Go Low, Should Public Debt Go High?02摘要Is deficit finance free when real borrowing rates are routinely lower than growth rates? Specifically, can the government make all generations bett...
23 2024-04
活动回顾|一竞技高手云集!中财大吉尼斯精彩收官! 风传花信,雨濯春尘一竞技首届最强大脑锦标赛暨中财吉尼斯初赛圆满落幕创发er们,挑战无限让我们来一起回顾本次比赛的精彩瞬间吧!赛事回顾 紧张刺激五子连珠传承国粹,“棋”乐融融。棋手们一个个跃跃欲试,在小小棋盘上斗智斗勇,认真琢磨着每步棋的布局、进攻与退守。大家相互交流探讨棋局,比赛现场气氛激烈而和谐。数字华容道面对错综复杂的数字棋盘,选手们的眼神专注而自信。向上,向左,再向下……他们敏捷地滑动...
22 2024-04
学术沙龙|微观理论讨论班(第6期):简单市场中的信息聚集与内生信息获取 研讨主题Information and Learning in Markets —— The Impact of Market Microstructure主讲人吕嘉琪(中经管2022级硕士生)论文摘要We will explore the welfare of the large Cournot market under asymmetric information and use a linear-quadratic-normal example to illustrate that only in fairly specific game structures does the large market aggregate information. Next we examine information aggregation ...
21 2024-04
学术沙龙|宏观金融讨论班(第98期):带有金融摩擦的最优发展政策 研讨论文Optimal Development Policies with Financial Frictions (Econometrica. Itskhoki and Moll. 2019)主讲人马展泽(北大光华管理学院23级博士生)上期回顾We developed a model featuring entrepreneurs with heterogeneous abilities, confronting financial frictions. This model allowed us to explore individual optimization behaviors, aggregate variables, and the inefficiencies inherent in competitive eq...
20 2024-04
学术沙龙|DSGE讨论班(第57期):新凯恩斯主义模型:异质性个体与最优货币政策 分享论文Optimal Monetary Policy and Liquidity with Heterogeneous Households (Florin O. Bilbiie , Xavier Ragot,2021 RED)主讲人李佳鑫(金融学院2021级硕士生)论文摘要A liquidity-insurance motive for monetary policy operates when heterogeneous households use government-provided liquidity (“money”) to insure idiosyncratic risk. In our tractable sticky-price model this changes the central bank’...
17 2024-04
学术沙龙|应用微观理论与实证讨论班(2024年春季学期第6期) 报告论文“既然你这么富有,你一定真的很聪明”:人才和财务工资溢价主讲人张洢潆(中经管2022级本科生)杜泽钧(中经管2023级本科生)论文摘要在过去的几十年里,金融部门的工资异常增长。这一趋势的一个解释是,金融领域的技能需求比其他部门增长更多。我们使用瑞典的行政数据,包括认知和非认知能力,以及美国数据,来检查金融部门的人才分配和相对工资。我们没有发现任何证据表明金融领域的人才有所改善,无论是平均水平还...
16 2024-04